Monday 14 February 2011

Product Purchasing and Payments

You can contact our team members which is located nationwide. Click Contact Us for our member list. If our retailers are not available in your location you can purchase our products thru bank deposit. Here are the steps;

Bank Deposit

Guide on Purchasing an Item:
  • Contact Us or talk to our Online Representative to verify your desired item of purchased for availability of stock.
  • If the item is confirmed and available, you may send your payment thru Bank Deposit on our BPI Account. 
Account Name : Lowella C. Viray
Branch: BPI Direct
Account Type : Savings Account
Account Number : 0466 7624 89

  • After you have deposited your payments, please notify us by sending this info:
Item Name:
Amount Transferred:
Date & Time:
Reference #
Mobile# / Email Address where to send you e-Pins
  • After payment has been received and verified e-Pin will be send via SMS or email. Delivery of e-Pins will be ASAP as long as the deposited account is already visible in our account.
  • After receiving you e-Pins please confirm to us that you already received the e-Pins.

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